Cat Nap

Cat Nap

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Baby Boom for the Blues

From time to time I get down in the dumps. I love my wee one, but I miss my career too. Will I be able to go back again someday? Am I missing out on more training and trends than my colleagues? Can I ever catch up?

Then I see a movie at 2am that makes me feel so much better - smart women have been making the same tough choices since the beginning of time. And so many of the biases we get from others and ourselves remain the same.

My 2am movie last night was Baby Boom with Diane Keaton. I remember watching it with my mom when I was young and thought it was very funny then. But watching it with my husband last night was therapeutic for me and very informative for him.

"See! That's how people talked to me when I was interviewing - like I was either too fragile or mentally occupied by baby to do a proper job!" And that applied to interviews for everything from administrative positions to cashier gigs at local book stores.

Some things never change. And movies like Baby Boom help me to laugh about it instead of cry.

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