Cat Nap

Cat Nap

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How To Make Your Carpet Smell Better

When I go to play groups I'm always mucho impressed when someone comes in with a hand-made quilted play blanket. But then there's the rest of us (i.e., me) who were born without the ability to sew a straight line much less piece things together in a string of consistantly straight lines and come out with something you can use and possibly even display with pride at the end of it - whew! And if I'm lucky enough to get an hour to myself during the day I'm not going to spend it at my sewing machine... if only...

So instead I use towels and the carpet. But what happens when your carpet starts to get that awful smell? You know the one that's a perfect blend of feet, cats, dogs, spilt milk... etc? Well, Ross doesn't always have animal print rugs in stock and I don't always have the dough for it - so what do I do?

Baking Soda.
Baking Soda.

Take a box and sprinkle it generously all over your carpet at night just before you crash. Take a broom and sweep it over the rug so it gets deep down inside. Leave it in overnight and ignore it for as much of the next day as you can.

When baby's asleep or willing to sit tight in your front pack get out your vacuum and run it over a few times.

Now get down on your hands and knees and take a big whiff... go on... nice huh?


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